In 2014, a young Remy Lewbel, sixteen-year-old student vowed to spend a small portion of his junior year of high school going to Jamaica. Jamaica wouldn’t be a trip for relaxation, photoshoots, or vacation. This trip would be for the community of Jamaica to help their schools, orphanages, special education schools. Lewbel would teach, feed, and learn from children that come from different parts of the world. “JAMAICA-LINK MINISTRIES INC is an ethnic/immigrant center or provider of services. Founded in 2003, it is located in Montego Bay, Jamaica” (, Reference. 22 March 2014). A significant amount of college essays at Western Michigan University described his life-changing experiences in Jamaica. “That day, I understood privilege. That day I understood how hard it is for people who are not the same as me, to create a life and be able to experience even the littlest of things we take for granted over in the States, changed me. In order for me to live the life I do now, I need to understand what privilege is, I need to take the opportunities I was blessed with to do good. Lemme repeat, do better than good” (Lewbel, Remy, Personal Interview. 28 July 2020)
). In just three years, Remy Lewbel would start TREND45 and pave ways for artists, collaborators to create their vision. With Remy Lewbel’s take on life, he wanted to share that experience. It would start here.